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How to fill out a Korean address form

Updated: Jun 25, 2021

Got your South Korean address? Let's see how we can make use of it in Korean sites' checkout page. The first time is always the hardest. Don't worry, we'll walk you through the process. Please let us know if you need any help!

Understanding South Korean Addresses:

It’s important to understand that the overall order of addresses in South Korea is the opposite of how addresses are usually written in the West. Rather than starting with the house number and ending with the city or state, the format is completely reversed.

Korean: 서울시 (Seoul) 마포구 (Mapo County) 독막로 (Dokmak Road) 5 (Building number) 203호 (Office number inside the building), 04047 (postal code)

English (reversed): 203-ho, 5 Dokmak-ro, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 04047


So you found a lovely TATA doll on Line Friends. Let's check out and and use our address!

So you found a lovely TATA doll on Line Friends. Let's check out and and use our address!
Checking out a TATA

We see a form for entering the recipient's address.

If you are on a Chrome browser, let's translate the Korean text into English using Google Translate.

Since, we have not saved any addresses yet, we will enter a new address under '신규입력 new input' tab.

  • Tap '주소검색 Address Search' button to look up the zip/postal code.

*Note: Most Korean address forms begin by having you look up the zip/postal code.

On the new lookup page,

  • Tap on the '도로명주소 Street name address' tab.

  • In the blank, copy and paste your street name address, as provided by Kfriday.

  • Tap 'Search' button.

*Note: In most zip code lookups, you will see two tabs for two different address formats, namely: '지번주소 lot number' and '도로명주소 street name address.' This is because the entire Korean address system went through a major makeover in 2011-2013 when the old format (lot numbers 지번주소) was discarded and replaced by the new, current format (street names 도로명주소).

  • Select the option with the 5-digit code that matches the zip code, as provided by Kfriday.

  • In the last blank, copy and paste your detailed address, as provided by Kfriday. This must contain your unique id in the form of XY1234.

  • Finally, tap '주소 입력 Address input' to finish.

Choose a shipping note.

  • Select "Please contact us before shipping" option.

Back in the form, fill out the following.

  • Shipping address: label for this particular address

  • Recipient: your name

  • Contact 1: phone number, as provided by Kfriday

Select the following checkboxes.

  • Add to shipping list 배송지목록에 추가: Site will remember your address in future transactions.

  • Select default shipping address 기본배송지로 선택: Site will use this address in future transactions.

  • Use a secure number 안심번호 사용하기: This will encrypt the phone number so it cannot be misused.

Completed form back in Korean

  • If we disable Translate, this is what your screen should look like.


That's it for filling out the address form. Great job!

Once your packages arrive in Kfriday's warehouse, we will notify you by KakaoTalk with its photos! You will also be able to see a list of what you have received through our website. If you are done shopping, send us a message and we will start international shipping to your door.

If you need assistance with filling out the form or if you have any other forwarding related inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us on KakaoTalk!



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Company: 만나컴퍼니(주)

Chief Privacy Officer: 정신섭

Busines No: 484-87-01964

Address: 서울시 구로구 디지털로32길 30, 407호

Phone: +82 070 8633 0767


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