If you are into Kpop, you may have seen posts and events about “Lucky Draw.” But what is a “Lucky Draw” and how can you join it? Keep reading this blog; you will know all the secrets about “Lucky Draw” events.
When a group has a comeback some Kpop stores can organize a “Lucky Draw” event. During this event, you will be able to buy albums and get access to a “lucky Draw” machine. Each event has different rules but, usually if you buy one album you will have access to the machine.
After getting your access to the machine you will have the chance to press the BUTTON. After pressing it, you will get one random photo card.
M2U (offline & online)
SOUNDWAVE (offline & online)
KTOWN4U (offline & online)
INTERPARK (offline & online)
ZONE MUSIC (offline & online)
BEATROAD (offline & online)
WITHDRAMA (offline & online)
POWERSTATION (offline & online)
Here is a little tutorial on “How to join a Lucky Draw event?”
Step 1: Buy 1 ALBUM = 1 Time participated
Step 2: Get your participation
Step 3: Press the button
Step 4: Congrats you have your photocards.
If you can’t join a Lucky draw, you can buy the photocard online but the price tends to be higher than a random photocard or POB photocard. The rarity and the limited amount of photocards can explain this price.
Also, Kfriday can go to an offline Lucky Draw event for you in Seoul without any problem. To know more about this service feel free to message us on our social media or Kakaotalk.